07 January 2014

Title: Branded (Sinners #1)
Author: Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki
Publisher: 252 pages, (June 27th, 2013)
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NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+
Synopsis: Fifty years ago the Commander came into power and murdered all who opposed him. In his warped mind, the seven deadly sins were the downfall of society. He created the Hole where sinners are branded according to their sins and might survive a few years. At best.

Now LUST wraps around my neck like blue fingers strangling me. I’ve been accused of a crime I didn’t commit and now the Hole is my new home.

Darkness. Death. Violence. Pain.

Now every day is a fight for survival. But I won’t die. I won’t let them win.
The Hole can’t keep me. The Hole can’t break me.

I am more than my brand. I’m a fighter.

My name is Lexi Hamilton, and this is my story.

Review: 5 Stars - Branded, the first title in the Sinners “New Adult” series by authors Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki blew me away from beginning to end. This unique title continued to surprise me over and over again, I couldn’t get enough!

This is a dystopian title at its finest. The characters, setting, use of the seven deadly sins and over all flow of the story, thanks to wonderfully descriptive writing was amazing from beginning to end! I loved it from the first page right through to the last, which does leave you without a doubt wanting more, but I’ll talk about that later in this review.

Lexi is charged and taken to the Hole. A place where sinners are branded and hers just so happens to be pretty much the worst brand one could receive. Being that it’s on her neck there’s no way for anyone to miss it. She’s a young woman forced away from everything she knows and placed into a whole different world that’s unimaginable and terrifying to her. Everyone knows about the Hole and it’s the last place you want to end up, especially if you are branded with the sin – LUST.

As the synopsis says that every day she has to fight to survive is a HUGE understatement. Thankfully she’s been given a guard, Cole and his faithful dog Zeus who are tasked to keep her alive. 

Cole has a serious tug of war going on with what he thinks and believes verses the job he’s been given and the things the Commander has set as rules and laws of more than just the Hole but the world itself too. I loved Cole and watching him trying to figure out what he should do and how to keep Lexi alive and how to keep himself alive too. 

The story is fast and furious. There’s action, romance, and tons of emotions that’ll tear at your heart one minute and help to rebuild it the next.

All in all I highly recommend this title to any and all who love a rich dystopian that has everything and then some to make this a memorable book that’ll not only stick with you but as mentioned above, it’ll leave you wanting more, more MORE! I mean with a book, story and characters like these and an ending like that… how could you NOT want more? I can’t wait to see what these two authors have for us next in this amazing novel. Happy Reading!

Available from:
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About the Authors:

Abi and Missy met in the summer of 1999 at college orientation and have been best friends ever since. After college, they added jobs, husbands and kids to their lives, but they still found time for their friendship. Instead of hanging out on weekends, they went to dinner once a month and reviewed books. What started out as an enjoyable hobby has now become an incredible adventure.
Author Links:

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  1. I've had this book on my TBR for a little while now and am eager to read it. I love the unique concept and the romance sounds complicated but sweet. Thanks for the spotlight and giveaway.

  2. Sounds amazing. I am glad that Lexi is such a strong character. I would love to read this book. Thanks for having the giveaway.


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