28 January 2013

Title: Salvation
Author: Anne Osterlund
Publisher: Speak, 288 Pages (January 10th, 2013)
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Synopsis: A smart, unexpected romance from an award-winning author.

Salvador Resendez--Salva to his friends--appears to have it all. His Mexican immigrant family has high expectations, and Salva intends to fulfill them. He's student body president, quarterback of the football team, and has a near-perfect GPA. Everyone loves him.

Especially Beth Courant, AKA the walking disaster area. Dreamy and shy, Beth is used to blending into the background. But she's also smart, and she has serious plans for her future.

Popular guy and bookish girl--the two have almost nothing in common. Until fate throws them together and the attraction is irresistible. Soon Beth is pushing Salva to set his sights higher than ever--because she knows he has more to offer, more than even he realizes.

Then tragedy strikes--and threatens to destroy everything that Salva has worked for. Will Beth's love be enough to save him?

Thoughtful and romantic, this is a beautifully written story about following your heart and fulfilling your potential.

Salvation Character Profiles
by Anne Osterlund

I first met Salva and Beth in the middle of a collision. Papers, pencils, the contents of Beth’s backpack, and point of view everywhere! Yet neither of them bothered to introduce themselves. Oh, no; they were both far too busy telling me about each other. According to her, he was one of those “patronizing—and annoying— organized people.” And according to him, she was “the walking disaster area.”

Of course I know them a lot better now!

Name: Salva (Salvador) Resendez
Grade in School: Senior
Favorite subject: Salva doesn’t really figure this out until late in the novel.
Hobbies: Football. Student government. Reading nonfiction. Science Odyssey Team. I’m not sure you can call any of these hobbies. Salva is seriously overbooked.
Friends: Pepe & Tosa are his closest friends. Though Salva has kind of a magnetic personality, and he’s pretty good at respecting anyone’s strengths.
Favorite TV show: ROTFL. Not sure when Salva would have time to watch regular TV, but he likes a good football game when it means hanging out with his friends.
Favorite Food: He hasn’t told me this. I think it’s because he struggles emotionally with talking about anything that reminds him of his mother.
Last books read: A bio on the president’s life and a history of Chiapas.
What he had for breakfast this morning: Tacos. Salva’s not so hot at cooking, but he promised he’d make them for his younger sisters.
Weekend plans: Study. Scut work at the onion factory. Mass. Try to find time to hang out with his friends.
Future plans: College. Everything else is to-be-determined.

Name: Beth Courant
Grade in School: Senior
Favorite subject: English
Hobbies: Reading. She loves writing, but she doesn’t consider that a hobby.
Friends: Ni (Nalani) Villetti
Favorite TV show: Beth doesn’t have a TV. I’m sure she’d like Once Upon a Time if she had the chance to watch it.
Favorite Food: Strawberry shortcake & blueberry lemonade.
Last books read: Wuthering Heights, A Long and Fatal Love Chase, The Shining, Jane Eyre
What you had for breakfast this morning: Cereal.
Weekend plans: Study. Visit the graveyard. Read. Write. Try to clean the house. Spend time with Ni.
Future plans: Stanford.

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Enter to win a ARC Copy of Salvation & a bookmark!

Rules and how to enter:

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You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
This giveaway is open to US & Canadian mailing addresses only.
Giveaway ends: February 16th, 2013 (12:01AM EST)

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Good luck to everyone who enters and please let me know if you have any questions.

Anne, thanks for visiting today and please pass along my thanks to Beth and Salva for filling out this quick questionnaire  I love getting to know characters a bit better and it's posts like this that give us a chance to maybe learn things we didn't get a chance to while reading the book or for those who haven't had a chance to read yet.

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  1. Thanks for the giveaway! =) I'm looking forward to checking this one out.

  2. I love that both of these characters read! Makes me like them even before I've had a chance to read their book.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway ! Character interviews are so cute!

  4. Blueberry lemonade? sounds yummy!

  5. I love how the authors knows her characters so intimately.


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