13 September 2010

Title: Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved #1)
Author: Cate Tiernan
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 416 Pages (September 7th 2010)
From: the Publisher, Thank You!

Synopsis: New name, new town, new life. Nastasya has done it too often to count. And there’s no end in sight. Nothing ever really ends... when you’re immortal. But this time is different: Nastasya knows that this new town must hold her salvation—or her death.

Nastasya was born into darkness, and has embraced it her whole life. Four hundred years ago, a tragedy robbed her of her birthright, and she’s been living a lie ever since. Now, four centuries of exploring the depths and limits of dark power has left Nastasya feeling sickened unto death. If she continues down this road, she will end up as a very dark, twisted, evil thing—with unthinkable power. Or she can begin the long, painful road toward light, and reclaim the destiny that others tried to destroy.

They’re rare. You may have never met one, never sat next to one on a plane, never eaten in the same restaurant at the same time. But the Immortals are there. Have always been there. Will always be there. Moving among humans, playing out their own cursed fate. Sometimes subtly, sometimes with huge, sweeping implications for mankind. But no one will ever know. Except you.

Review: 4.5 Stars - Cate Tiernan’s Immortal Beloved was interesting, intriguing and thoroughly entertaining from start to finish in her new series about troubled Immortals. Featuring a cast of characters that were more then unique and kept this reader on the edge of her seat, Tiernan knows how to write a book that’ll have readers looking for more with the turn of the last page – she has a hit on her hands.

Nastasya is an Immortal who’s been around for more then 450 years. She’s seen a lot in her time being trapped in a teenage body. She’s engaging, witty and wields snark like it’s going out of style. When she’s faced with a moral dilemma at the hands of the friends she’s had for… well, hundreds of years, she’s forced to make a hard choice. Finally not able to handle the events of the night before, Nasty leaves her current home of England to go in search of safety and sanity in a place so far removed for what she knows… and who she knows.

Nasty ends up in a rehab of sorts for Immortals on an organic farm in the Midwest United States. Totally weird and random I know… but it works, trust me. There she meets a whole cast of characters and learns about her life and theirs - past and present and how to use her magic for good and not evil. On the farm she’s forced to deal with her past and learn to live and enjoy everything from a simpler life. I mean, being an Immortal for so many years, your bound to start to take the little things in life for granted, right? While she’s there she meets a Viking she thinks she recognizes from her past. He’s more then the strong silent type and her relationship with most of the other Immortals, especially this Viking - Reyn (Rain) is often awkward.

Reyn (Rain) is complex and has many issues of his own he’s trying to sort through. He’s strong and guarded of Nasty and you get a clearer picture of just why he’s this way as you continue throughout the whole book. He might look perfect on the outside, but he’s far from perfect on the inside due to his past. I have to say that the awkwardness between these two was entertaining to read, however being that your reading this book from Nasty’s point of view, Reyn is often much harder to get a read on.

The plot does take some twists and turns along the way that some I guessed and some I had no idea were coming. The writing was refreshing with both a historical and present day timelines. I usually am not a big fan of History, however when it’s written as well as this book is and the whole fact that it’s interlaced with present day life, I find I really enjoy getting more of a look into a character whose life has been around for so many years with the addition of a back story such as this.

The ending of the book left me ready to dive right into the next in the series. I enjoyed the fact that I know I’ll get a chance to read more of these same characters in the next installment because of the bigger arc that’s at play - I believe we only saw the tip of the ice berg of for what Tiernan has in store for her characters and readers alike.

All in all, Tiernan’s Immortal Beloved had me hooked with the triple threat of writing, characters and a plot that holds something new for any paranormal fan. Her knack for spinning a tale showing the downfalls of being an Immortal will without a doubt spark interest in many readers, giving them just a taste, leaving them ready for more. I can’t wait for the next in the series - Everlasting Dark – out April 2012. Oh, the wait is going to be a long one. Enjoy!

Be sure to check back today for a guest post from Cate! She's written a great piece on what her writing style is like. I hope you'll check back to see just what she has to say.

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. This one sounds better than what I was originally thinking. Is the main character's nickname really Nasty, though? I think that would make me crack up throughout the entire book! Lol. The rest of it sounds good though. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Sounds like a nice read. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the review!

  3. I can't wait to read this now! Thanks for posting.


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