31 August 2010

Title: Review: Song of the Moon (Artemis Lupine, #1)
Author: Catherine Banks
Publisher: Self Published, 294 Pages (February 19th 2010)
From: the Author, Thank You!

Synopsis: What if you found out that there was another world inside your own? What if all of the things you thought made you weird, actually made you powerful?

Artemis's life is changed forever when the mysterious man from her dreams, Ares, comes to claim her as his mate. The seventeen year old girl must find a way to adapt to her true life and accept her fate or run from it. She must overcome her fears and human ideals to give her self to the dangerous world, and man, that is her destiny.

Review: 4 Stars - Catherine Banks had created a new and dark world within the first book in the Artemis Lupine Series - Song of the Moon. Weaving a mysterious tale that’s filled with werewolves, vampires and fae, Banks has written a great foundation within the Young Adult genre.

Our main character – Artemis is different, she knows it, as does everyone else, but no one knows exactly why… or do they? She’s strong, independent and feisty with a side of herself she knows nothing about that is hidden just underneath. With dreams of wolves and a beautiful man she doesn’t know but is drawn to – Artemis is thrown into a world she never knew existed.

Enter Ares, An alpha werewolf and someone who has just about all the answers that Artemis is looking for. These two characters are drawn together in many ways and are forced to face many unknown challenges along the way. Their banter back and forth was often snarky and gave me many laugh out loud moments, and yet other times their dialogue is true and honest. It was nice to see through the walls each had and watch their relationship change throughout the course of the book.

The writing is good, yet at times I found it somewhat confusing or hard to read. However neither took away from the story or characters in the slightest. I commend Banks for all she’s done with this self published title.

All in all, I’m happy to say that yet again, another self published author has pleasantly surprised me. With twists and turns from start to finish, more then memorable characters and a cliffhanger ending – Song of the Moon will leave you more then ready for the sequel – Kiss of a Star.

I was lucky enough to have interviewed Catherine and will be posting the interview and a contest for everyone soon!

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. Aside from some cheesy-sounding names, that sounds like it could be quite an interesting story.

  2. I bought this book a long time ago I just haven't had the time to read it I'm going to have to make time now because it sounds like a good book.


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2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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