12 August 2010


Book Blogger Hop + Follow Friday (6)

Time for another Hop and Follow Friday!

If you'd like to join in - head on over to Crazy-For-Books! Thanks again for hosting it Jennifer!

Today's question is:

How many books do you have on your 'to be read shelf’?

I honestly have no idea. There's a TON on it... and the only reason why I have no idea how many there is on my TBR shelf is because I'm afraid if I knew that magical number I'd have a mini panic attack lol. A girl can never have to many books, so I'll just stay in the dark on this one. :)

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:

1.Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list
2.Follow our Featured Bloggers - None this week.
3.Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4.Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
5.Follow Follow Follow as many as you can.
6.If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7.If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!

Here's some contest's I have running right now - Good Luck to all who enter!!

Enter to win a Top 8 Prize Pack! Top 8 and What's Your Status! Ends August 29th, 2010
Enter to win a copy of Greek:Double Date Ends 8/15/10
Enter to win a $65.00 Gift Cert to CSN Stores - Ends 8/23/10
Enter to win a copy of Promise By: Kristie Cook - Ends 8/25/10

And... September and October are going to be busy here! September I'll be celebrating my Blogoversary, Birthday and what I hope to be 500+ followers! I'm pretty close last time I checked, so I think I'll make it. Then in October, with the help of my good friend and fellow blogger Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic - we have some MAJOR super secret stuff going on and we can't wait to share with everyone! It's going to be FUN!

I hope you all have great weekend and Happy Reading to each of you!

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  1. Hopping through. It's hard to put a number to books on TBR list. But it'd be even more scary to have 0 books on my list. Then what would I do?
    Alison Can Read

  2. I'm an old follower, but I'm just hopping by to say hello :) I agree with you 100%- a girl can never have too many books! :D

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Erika Breathes Books

  3. Hey girlie! Can't wait to see what you have planned for all of us! Have a great weekend! :)

  4. Hey - just hoppin' by! Hope you have a great weekend! Stop by The Wormhole and say hi!

  5. Hi! I'm your 500th follower!

    I found your blog through the Book Blogger Hop. I took a look around and thought that your blog is great! So I decided to follow you. Come check out my blog as well: http://johnsmithbooks.blogspot.com/

    Warmest regards,
    John Smith

  6. Happy Friday!!!--Stopping by from the hop!--Old follower!!! (within the last two hops) :)

    my tbr number is a little high right now, too--but to be fair, I'm also including all the classics and such that I'd like to read "someday." The actual pile on my desk is much smaller ;)


  7. Just hopping by!! Great site!! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!


  8. Absolutely true that a girl can NEVER have too many books! Have a great weekend!

    Here is my hop:
    A Book Obsession..

  9. Just stopping by through the Hop. I like your blog and I'm an new follower!

  10. New follower Just read your Claire de La Lune review. I had wondered about this book and it sound different.
    Thanks. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust

  11. Just hopping through. I can understand about not wanting to count! :)

  12. Hey you, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I see you are reading The Eternal Ones, it looks interesting, I'll wait for your review. Have a great weekend. Happy Reading!!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  13. Stopping by from the hop! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  14. Jumping in from the Hop!

    Recently I've updated my books into goodreads so I could keep track of them. I wish I hadn't! I'd love to go back to the days when I had know idea how many where in my TBR pile.

    I envy you!

    - Shera (Book Whispers)

  15. Hey! Hopping by your blog. I am already a follower


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