12 December 2012


Blog Tour: Review - Embers in a Dark Frost By: Kelly Keaton

Title: Embers in a Dark Frost
Author: Kelly Keaton
Publisher: eBook, November 8th, 2012
From: the Author
Format: eBook
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Synopsis: The Fire Breathers have come. The Underworld calls. A choice must be made…

With her feared half blood and flame-colored hair, DEIRA D'ANU is a constant reminder of human betrayal and the war that claimed the light from Innis Fail. Now, darkness and frost creep across the land, strengthening the Lord of the Underworld. War is imminent—an allegiance with the Fire Breathers is vital. When their champion, Balen, sees Deira, he believes she is the key to finding the light and stopping the dark frost....

But the Underworld calls to Deira, tempting her to turn her back on a world that never cared and betray the champion willing to sacrifice everything to keep her safe and save his world from darkness.

Review: 4 Stars - Embers in a Dark Frost by author, Kelly Keaton is the first in a two book saga that’s extremely thrilling and adventurous from the beginning and left me holding my breath on more than one occasion. With characters that immediately captivate, there wasn't a moment that I wasn't caught up and lost in the story and journey (physical and mental) that Keaton had created.

Deira is the female lead in this one. The story is about her life and journey to try to help save her world and those who live in it. She’s born as a half-ling, part human and considered a lower class, one that is usually killed at birth. Due to her “relatives” within the land she’s spared but at a cost which makes her life the lonely one of a servant. Her vibrant red hair is a giveaway that she’s a “freak” and she’s forced to live without any acknowledgement of her existence. Another thing, she’s pretty much feared by all because of a power that lies within her, making her life even more isolated.

One day, everything changes. She’s forced to go away and take a quest with a King from a far away land based on a prophecy told long ago that he would be the champion to lead her and the people of the world out of darkness.

This is the moment that Balen walks into the story and Deira’s life. He’s a King, a champion and the most loyal of leaders. All of the people of Sydhr love him and just as he would do anything for them, they would, in turn do anything for him. It’s HIS prophecy that was told long ago… he’s willing to do anything to protect his people, including dying.

The two are an unlikely pair yet they change each other and work together pretty well. Deira believes other things than what the prophecy says and wants nothing more than to save Balen and the people from their world. I felt for Deira on more than one occasion. I wanted to say many of the things that she said to Balen too. He might be a fierce warrior but he didn't even consider any other possibilities of saving himself, his people and his land. That kind of frustrated me about the big, strong swoonable man.

The romance of the story was spot on. It builds slowly and let the two get to know each other. Sometimes it works with characters jump right into the love and a relationship but these two were given a chance to grow as characters because of each other first. It is considered “New Adult” so there are a couple steamy scenes. One of my favorites took place in a bath. Yes.. a bath. More like a bathing room, but still… yeah.

There are a few fight scenes that are pretty epic, and I have to commend Keaton on how she managed to write them in such a way that I could picture every swing of the sword with ease. Love it when I’m reading a book and it feels like I’m watching a movie.

The journey these two fantastic characters take them far away from what they know and into a place controlled by Nox, lord of the underworld. He’s responsible for the darkness and what’s killing their home. He’s power hungry and looking for revenge and plans to use both Deira and Balen to make his plans come to fruition.

All in all it is a fantastically written fantasy story with strong characters, voice and world building. Keaton has taken all of these elements and created a favorite for me. With an ending that’ll have you freaking out a bit, just like I did you’ll be ready for the next installment to find out what happens next for Deira, Balen and Nox. I highly recommend this title for fans of fantasy and “New Adult” and everyone who’s looking for a bright shining star of a book. Enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! The premise for this sounds really fascinating!!


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