19 September 2012


Review: Every Day By: David Levithan

Title: Every Day
Author: David Levithan
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers, 336 Pages (August 28th, 2012)
From: the Publisher, via Amazon Vine
Format: ARC
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Synopsis: Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.

There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.

It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.

With his new novel, David Levithan, bestselling co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, has pushed himself to new creative heights. He has written a captivating story that will fascinate readers as they begin to comprehend the complexities of life and love in A’s world, as A and Rhiannon seek to discover if you can truly love someone who is destined to change every day.

Review: 5 Stars - Every Day by author David Levithan has easily found a place in my heart. It’s a title that many people have had expectations for and for me it soared right over those thoughts and on into something so much higher than greatness. This book did that for me. It’s thought provoking and emotional on every level.

Bear with me on this review guys, because this is one of those books that finding the words to express the greatness it holds might prove difficult. I mean, how do you even find the right words to stand up to such a wonderfully written story with such strong messages?

Every morning “A” wakes up in the body of a different person. “A” is a person through and through, just with a different outward appearance every day. One day a girl, one day a boy, one day a boy who’s over weight another a girl who’s going through some MAJOR issue. And each day “A” makes it through, finding out how to survive the day and make the least trouble for the person “A” is inhibiting.

The message of love and looking past gender, race and outside appearances is done in such a beautiful and crystal clear way that there was no chance that I wouldn’t be utterly captivated by “A’s” story and thoughts. So many people will find things that they can relate to. Levithan has taken such great care to make sure that many different types of people are represented in the story. From beginning to end the message is clear and never weavers or deviates.

Without a doubt this is a must read title that I without a doubt highly recommend. “A” has left a mark on me, which I’m thankful for. It’s not often that I find a story that has affected me such as this one has. I look forward to rereading this title and talking about this book for a long time to come. Everyone who’s yet to read this book, you won’t be sorry. Enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. I LOVE the books that are so amazing and mean so much to you that it is difficult to find the words but you did a great job of it! It sounds like such a beautiful read that I am so excited for. Great review! :)

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  2. Oh wow, I ADORED this book. Loved every page of it. What a fantastic novel. I keep bringing it up on Twitter because I want more people to read it!


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5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
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3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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