07 May 2010


Vacation = Hiatus! (5/7 - 6/1)

Los Angeles to Liverpool

England, here we come!

So, I know many of you know because I've been talking about this for the last... oh, month or so that I'm heading to the UK for about 3 weeks, if the ash cloud from the Volcano in Iceland permits that is. I thought it best that I put my blog on hiatus while I'm gone. There will be a couple things posting while I'm away, so keep an eye out for those. You won't want to miss out on them, trust me!

I'll be checking email and maybe checking in with everyone on Twitter while I'm gone... just I won't have enough time to post anything other then what I have scheduled. Also, while I'm away I plan to doing some shopping for books! I'm on the look out for some great British authors that I can bring back to share with you in reviews and a contest!! Thinking it might be fun to pick up a couple extra books of some UK authors or maybe even some favorite books with the UK covers and hold a contest. Another thing to be on the look out for here.

I hope you'll all stick around while I'm gone. I'll miss all my followers, I'll miss reading all the blogs I love and often lurk at. I'll miss everyone I chat with on Twitter too, but I'll be back soon and will look forward to catching up with everyone then. I mean you guys will all miss me too, right? lol

So, with that I have to head out and make sure I have everything packed and ready to go. Our flight comes early in the morning tomorrow and it's a long day we have ahead of us. Don't forget to watch out for those posts that I mentioned and have scheduled for you guys... it'll be well worth it!

See everyone soon!!


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  1. Enjoy your trip...we will miss you but look forward to your return! :)

  2. Take me with you!



    Have a good trip, Bring me back some English candy...
    MAN CANDY!!!

  3. Enjoy your trip and I'll miss you on twitter and blogging but vacations are so worth it.

  4. Have a good trip and look out for books published by Persephone Press

  5. Have a great time Lisa! England is fantastic, enjoy your long holiday!! :-)


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2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
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