24 May 2010


Reminder: Come one and all for another contest! Anyone looking to win a finished copy of Claire de Lune By: Christine Johnson should enter now!

To celebrate her books release on May 18th, 2010 debut author Christine Johnson has offered to supply a finished copy the book for one lucky winner!

Entering is as always easy. Just fill out the form and your in.

- Please no entries in the comments. Comments are great, we all love them, so feel free to leave me one or ten lol.
- You must be 13 years old to enter.
- This contest is open to US residents only, Sorry!

Enter Here!

Check out my review of Claire de Lune: Here
Also, check out my interview with Christine: Here

Any questions, feel free to email and ask away. Good luck to all who enter!

I'm still out of the country, so with the help of Random.org the winner will be picked soon after I get back.
See everyone then!

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07 May 2010


Vacation = Hiatus! (5/7 - 6/1)

Los Angeles to Liverpool

England, here we come!

So, I know many of you know because I've been talking about this for the last... oh, month or so that I'm heading to the UK for about 3 weeks, if the ash cloud from the Volcano in Iceland permits that is. I thought it best that I put my blog on hiatus while I'm gone. There will be a couple things posting while I'm away, so keep an eye out for those. You won't want to miss out on them, trust me!

I'll be checking email and maybe checking in with everyone on Twitter while I'm gone... just I won't have enough time to post anything other then what I have scheduled. Also, while I'm away I plan to doing some shopping for books! I'm on the look out for some great British authors that I can bring back to share with you in reviews and a contest!! Thinking it might be fun to pick up a couple extra books of some UK authors or maybe even some favorite books with the UK covers and hold a contest. Another thing to be on the look out for here.

I hope you'll all stick around while I'm gone. I'll miss all my followers, I'll miss reading all the blogs I love and often lurk at. I'll miss everyone I chat with on Twitter too, but I'll be back soon and will look forward to catching up with everyone then. I mean you guys will all miss me too, right? lol

So, with that I have to head out and make sure I have everything packed and ready to go. Our flight comes early in the morning tomorrow and it's a long day we have ahead of us. Don't forget to watch out for those posts that I mentioned and have scheduled for you guys... it'll be well worth it!

See everyone soon!!


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It's time for another week of In My Mailbox - here's a look at all the great books that arrived on my doorstep either by purchase, traded or for review. This is a bit earlier in the week then I usually post this. Since I'll be gone as of tomorrow morning, I figured I'd post this now and then I'll resume IMM's again when I get back. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As always, thanks so much for hosting it Kristi!

(If there's no picture here, sorry! I just ran out of time to take one.)

From Amazon:
Burned (House of Night, #7) By: P.C. & Kristin Cast
Dead In The Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10) By: Charlaine Harris
Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8) By: Rachel Caine

For Review:
The Eternal Ones By: Kirsten Miller
The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June By: Robin Benway
The Replacement By: Brenna Yovanoff
Glimmerglass By: Jenna Black
The Karma Club By: Jessica Brody 
Thanks to Penguin/Razorbill... St. Martin's Press & Farrar Straus Giroux!
Bookmarks from DemonLover's Blog. Kelly had some amazing bookmarks made for her blog, which I think I'll have to have some made for my blog soon as well. Thanks Kel, they look great!
So, now you guys know what I got this week.... what all did you guys get? I hope it's some great stuff. I'm really looking forward to seeing what's waiting here for me when I get back from my trip. So, Happy reading and see you all soon! 

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06 May 2010


Winner - The Light By: D.J. MacHale

So, I just heard from The Bookologist, one of the original winners that she was given a copy of the book and asked that I choose another winner....

Our new 5th winner is.........

The Library Lurker


I already have your mailing address so I'll be sending it on to the publisher for shipment!

Thanks again to all who entered and another reminder to be sure to enter my other contest for a chance to win a copy of Claire de Lune!

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05 May 2010


Review: She Thief By: Daniel Finn

Title: She Thief
Author: Daniel Finn
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends, 304 Pages (April 13th 2010)
From: Publisher

Synopsis: The girl, Baz, and the boy, Demi, are master pickpockets. They weave through rich neighborhoods to slip bags off shoulders and wallets out of pockets before disappearing into the crowd. Their loot goes to Fay, who runs a gang of child thieves from her den in the Barrio. This sweltering slum— in a city that is imagined, but all too real is what passes for home to the kids, and Fay is what passes for family.

That all changes the day Demi steals a magnificent blue ring. Soon, the police chief and the Barrio’s crime boss close in on Fay, and she begins to break under their pressure.

Baz has never doubted Fay before. She’s never been apart from Demi, either. But soon, Baz is left alone to find her way through a world more corrupt than she’s ever realized. Here, the lives of children are thrown away without a moment’s hesitation. Here, the rich and powerful are just thieves on a larger scale. And somewhere in this wreck of a city, Baz must find the scraps of hope, the small acts of kindness, and the steely strength that will take her back to Demi and wash them both out of the Barrio for good.

Review: 2 Stars - Not sure just what to say about this book. The idea and characters sounded interesting, however after reading the first few pages I knew it wasn't for me. I just didn't connect with the characters and often I found myself wondering when something was going to happen.

I had to pick this one back up again a couple times and force myself to finish it. It just dragged out to much for me. The best part about the book was maybe the last 25-30 pages. I felt like things finally picked up a bit where I could enjoy what was going on. It felt like all the action was in those last few pages while the rest was just.... eh, there.

The characters - Baz and Demi where the center point of the story. The actual main character was Baz. She seemed to have a better understanding of things, listened to her gut feelings more and spoke less. Being that they really don't have any family except each other and the woman who takes them in and makes them steal for her - Fey... they are pretty much left on their own living in squalor on the wrong side of the edge of town.

Things go wrong, people get hurt and they have to find a way out of it all. It's Baz that finally comes through and somewhat shines in those last few pages. If there had been more of her in the beginning and middle like she was at the end - then I think I could have gotten into this book a little more then I did.

Another thing that was hard was the dialogue. I understand they are from an uneducated area and it was part of their way of life, but it was hard to read at times. Often sounded more broken then I think was intended, but maybe that was just me?

All in all, I believe that this book wasn't the right fit for me. Sometimes that happens, I'm sure I'm not alone when a book comes along that you just don't connect with. One thing I'd like to say is... if you’re looking forward to reading this book, then please do. Don't base your reading it or not on my ONE review. I mean I am just ONE reviewer.

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: Nomansland
Author: Lesley Hauge
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co., 256 Pages (BYR) (June 22, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Sometime in the future, after devastating wars and fires, a lonely, windswept island in the north is populated solely by women. Among these women is a group of teenaged Trackers—expert equestrians and archers—whose job is to protect their shores from the enemy. The enemy, they’ve been told, is men.

When these girls come upon a partially buried home from the distant past, they are fascinated by the strange objects—high-heeled shoes, teen magazines, make-up—found there. What are they to make of these mysterious things, which introduce a world they have never known? And what does it mean for their strict society where friendship is forbidden and rules must be obeyed—at all costs?

This sounds like something very different from my usual reads. Another one I'm looking forward to. Anyone else have any thoughts on this up and coming book?

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04 May 2010


Winners! The Light: Morpheus Road By: D.J. MacHale

Thanks to everyone who entered!! With the help of Random.org we have our 5 winners!!

Kathy Martin
Julie From My 5 Monkeys
Mavie From The Bookologist
Heather From Darkly Reading
Pat From Peace Love and Pat

If I have your mailing address, you won't get a email from me. If I don't, keep an eye out for a email. You'll have 48 hours to get back in touch with me or I'll have to pick another winner. These books are being supplied and mailed from the publisher, so I'll be sending them your address. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks again to all who entered and keep an eye out here for many more contest to come soon! Don't forget to enter to win a copy of Claire de Lune By: Christine Johnson! Check here for more info on rules and how to ENTER. Good Luck everyone!

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03 May 2010

Claire de Lune By: Christine Johnson
Release Date: May 18th, 2010
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Synopsis: Torn between two destinies?

Claire is having the perfect sixteenth birthday. Her pool party is a big success, and gorgeous Matthew keeps chatting and flirting with her as if she's the only girl there. But that night, she discovers something that takes away all sense of normalcy: she's a werewolf.

As Claire is initiated into the pack of female werewolves, she must deal not only with her changing identity, but also with a rogue werewolf who is putting everyone she knows in danger. Claire's new life threatens her blossoming romance with Matthew, whose father is leading the werewolf hunt. Now burdened with a dark secret and pushing the boundaries of forbidden love, Claire is struggling to feel comfortable in either skin. With her lupine loyalty at odds with her human heart, she will make a choice that will change her forever?

Being that this is your debut novel – what made you choose to or what were you drawn to in the Young Adult Genre?
I’ve always loved YA books. I think it’s a great genre to read in, and a challenging genre to write in. There’s much less leeway in YA than in, say, adult literature. I’ve read adult books - prize winning adult books - that spend hundreds of pages meandering through themes and thoughts and things. YA readers would never put up with that. They want an exciting plot and really great writing. I like the challenge of not sacrificing either of those things.
When did you first start writing Claire de Line and can you tell us some of your experiences in how you became published?
I started the book nearly two and a half years ago. In general, the publishing process takes patience. It’s not a quick business! After I gave Claire to my agent, there was some time that passed while she sent it to publishers . . . and then Simon Pulse acquired it, and it’s been about eighteen months since then, with revising and editing and whatnot. I knew other authors who had gone through the crucible of the publishing world, and so I was well prepared for the rejections and the waiting. I have a thick skin for those things!
How did the idea of these characters and your version of Werewolves come to you?
Most of my ideas come while I’m walking or in the shower, so I’m sure that’s where the initial seed of an idea came from. The thing is that the rest of any idea I’m working on develops slowly. I take that little idea seed and start what-if-ing it. So, first I had the idea of a girl who finds out that she’s really a werewolf. Then, as the days pass, I wondered what would happen if she were dating a human guy. And why she would date a human guy in the first place (answer? No male werewolves. Humans are the only option.) Eventually, the wondering and thinking turns into something plot-shaped, and I can start writing!
Without giving too much away to your future readers – what was your favorite scene and line from the book?
Okay . . . I do have a favorite, but I really can’t say anything about it. Except that it’s a scene late in the book, between two of the main characters. Any more than that is spoiler-y. Sorry! As far as a favorite line - that’s easier. I can tell you that there’s one particular line - a thought, actually. “One lie, two lie, red lie, blue lie.” In the context of the book, yeah, that’s my favorite. It was one of those lines that made me shiver when I wrote it, and I just *knew* that it belonged in the book.
Have there been any books you’ve recently read that have fast become one of your favorites?
Let’s see . . . favorites of late have been anything by Maureen Johnson (she’s funny in a way that I’m just not, and it makes me insanely jealous even though I love her stuff!) I also adore anything by John Green, and I’m *really* looking forward to WHITE CAT, Holly Black’s new one.
Any must haves while writing? Place, drink, time of day, etc?
I have two small kids, so my writing is pretty much catch-as-catch-can nowadays. Half the time, I’m writing in the car while both kids take a nap in the back seat, or late at night after they’re in bed. But I *do* have an ideal writing set-up. It never happens anymore - or, almost never - but it’s a brass ring worth chasing in my world! It goes like this: afternoon, on the couch, with a Diet Coke and reeeeally dark chocolate at hand. In that scenario, the writing pretty much always goes well, and I could write forever.
Are you currently working on anything? If so, what can you tell us about it and when we might see it in print?
Yes! I’m madly drafting the sequel for Claire de Lune. It’s currently slated for publication sometime in the summer of 2011, so you can expect to see more from Claire and Matthew and the rest of the Claire de Lune cast. Speaking of which . . . I have a deadline looming over me. Back to work!
Thanks for having me over for a chat. It was great!
Thanks for stoping by for the interview Christine, it was fun. Looking forward to the sequel to Claire de Lune!
For more information about the book and author, please visit these links:

Ordering Info.

Check out the trailer for Claire de Lune here:


And now for a Contest!

Christine has offered a finished copy of Claire de Lune to give away to one lucky winner!!

Rules are pretty simple.

Please fill out the form to enter:

Enter Here

Comments are always welcome! I love them just like the next person. However, entries in comments won't count.
You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
Open to US residents only, sorry!
Contest ends on May 30th, 2010

If you have any questions, please email and ask. If you email before May 5th I should be able to get back to you pretty quick, anything after that and it might be a couple days until I can respond. Don't forget to check out the Policy page for info as well.

Thanks to all who enter and Good Luck to you all!

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02 May 2010


In My Mailbox (21)

It's time for another week of In My Mailbox - here's a look at all the great books that arrived on my doorstep either by purchase or for review. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As always, thanks so much for hosting it Kristi!

So here's what I got this week..... (Sorry, no pics this week... just have little to no time.)

For Review:

This Gorgeous Game By: Donna Freitas

Thanks to Macmillan/Farrar, Straus Giroux

From Amazon:

Lover Mine By: J.R. Ward

From Paperback Swap/Kelly from DemonLovers Blog:

Catch a Mate By: Gena Showalter

So, that's what I ended up with this week. Only a few, but some great books none the less. I'm excited for each of these. What all did you guys get this week? I hope you all ended up wth some great stuff as well. Enjoy them all :)

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FTC Disclaimer:

In accordance with FTC Guidelines, I have not received any monetary gain for any information posted within the pages of this website/blog. Any and all information has been provided by the publisher, author and or publicist for free. Content is also based on purchases made by myself or of my guest reviewer(s). Any and all opinions expressed within the pages of this website/blog are solely my own or those of the authors of any and all guest reviewers(s) or guest bloggers.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

I enjoy reading and reviewing a variety of different books within the Young Adult, "New Adult" & Adult genres/categories. If you have any questions or if you are an author or publisher and would be interested in promoting a book, please feel free email. You can find my email under the "mail" button or under the contact link at the top of the page.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Guest Reviewer Jenny

Guest Reviewer Jenny
Click for info & links to her reviews!

My Ratings

When I review I rate from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest rating. I review based on many different things from the writing, to the story - to the characters and how I can relate to them or how they are developed. I also review based on if an author has worked their magic and was able to draw me into a story so deeply that I don't want to put the book down. If you would like me to review a book, please contact me or view my Contact Information and Review Policy for further details.

5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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