Author: Suzanne Young
Publisher: Razorbill, 272 Pages (February 4, 2010)
From: Publisher
Review: 4 Stars - Cheerleaders by day, Spies on the look out for cheating boyfriends by night.
Tessa, along with her fellow cheerleaders have been trying to help the teenage girl community around them for 2 years. Hunting secretly for cheaters by night, with SOS - the Society of Smitten Kittens on the case, girls can find out if their boyfriends are cheating.
Tessa's boyfriend, Aiden makes us all remember that there are still some great guys out there in the world. However, as Tessa starts to get suspicious of her own boyfriend and if he is in fact cheating on her, her emotions go into over drive. She has tried to be the perfect cheerleader, girlfriend, daughter, friend, student that the author portrays the cracks that start to form in Tessa's own perfection well.
Tess is quirky and sometimes a bit over the top with her little sayings or random expressions instead of swearing, however that didn't take away from the story. In the end I thought that it was a easy, fast paced read others would enjoy as well.